Internet Scrabble Club


SYNTAX : games [flags] [minR] [maxR]

"games sr" -- to see sowpods rated games.
"games p" -- to see private games.
"games 1000" -- to see games with an average rating greater than 1000.

• This command displays information about all the games , sorted by average rating. If the list has more than 100 games , it will be truncated:
- if no minimum rating is specified only first 100 are printed.
- if minimum rating is specified only last 100 are printed.
- if both limits are specified only first 100 are printed.

• The rating is dispayed before the player's name. After the names is displayed the time set for that game. An (R) after the game means that the game was resumed.
• The games are displayed with different colors according with the dictionary being used: blue = TWL , red = LOC , yellow = ODS, aqua = SOWPODS , light blue = PARO , brown = SWL.
• Flags that select games to be displayed are:
's' - sowpods
't' - twl
'l' - loc
'i' - paro
'd' - swl
'm' - multi
'o' - ods
'r' - games with rated ON
'n' - games with noescape ON
'c' - challenge SINGLE
'b' - challenge DOUBLE
'v' - challenge VOID
'f' - challenge 5-POINTS
'p' - private games
'-' - not

SEE ALSO : observe  , seek  , sought  , dictionaries  , who